5 Traditional SEO practices that no longer work as well


If you have developed a web presence for your business or organisation then you should realise how important it is for you to utilise the right SEO practices. You do not want to employ online marketing strategies that no longer work in today’s world. If you want your web presence to be well received by visitors and search engines alike you cannot afford to live in the past.

In this article we are going to take a look at five SEO practices that have been traditional favourites over the years but that no longer work. We are going to explain why they are no longer effective and take a look at what you should do instead.

Keyword targeting that is not focused

It used to be helpful to simply place a string of keywords in your titles; this is no longer the case. You should opt for strategically placing keywords in meta titles that mean something. At one time you could probably have opted for listing products such as fashion accessories, fashion earrings, fashion bangles. If you want to adopt SEO best practices today you should opt to provide information such as latest design fashion accessories at wholesale prices.

Internal linking that is not for the user

If you are using anchor text for internal links you should ensure that it actually serves a purpose and is not just there to be recognised by a search engine. This type of link needs to be highly visible and should be created to assist navigation for visitors to the website. Links that do not serve a legitimate purpose may actually be penalised when it comes to website recognition.

Different pages for different keywords

Many people used to adopt the practice of using different pages for different keywords. This may have worked when SEO was in its infancy but it’s not a good idea today. Google is now far smarter than it used to be and it recognises the intent of searches. This means that you are far better advised to use keywords which have the same intent on the same page. That being said, it’s important to remember that you should never just use keywords for the sake of it; you have to make sure that they flow with content of the page.

Separate microsites instead of one site that works

There used to be a trend for using separate microsites for closely related brands or topics that attracted the same audience. It makes far more sense to concentrate all of your efforts on one site that encompasses your entire brand. This type of site gains far more recognition and is more likely to figure highly in search engine rankings.

Linkbait that does not make sense

Over the years you will have probably witnessed the use of completely unrelated linkbait aimed at simply attracting clicks through to your website. This is definitely not a recommended practice any longer. It’s not enough to get people to click onto your site; you want to create a positive experience of your brand. Creating links to your site from completely unrelated content is not going to do this.

SEO practices have changed a lot over the last few years and they continue to evolve. You need to make sure you stay well informed in order to maximise the potential of your online presence.