About the interviewee:
Name: Alexis Neely (also known as Ali Shanti)
Title: Chief Visionary & Founder of Eyes Wide Open Life and the New Law Business Model
Alexis Neely offers a new economy perspective for personal finance and business decisions. She graduated first in her class from Georgetown law and quickly scaled the ranks of “successful” entrepreneurship, has built four million dollar entrepreneurial endeavors, filed bankruptcy once, wrote a best-selling book, appeared on numerous top-rated television shows, and lives a new economy life in community with her ex-husband, kids and extended chosen family.
Tell me about your firm:
Alexis’s two current business ventures, New Law Business Model and Eyes Wide Open Life, both fully location independent, provide new economy business model consulting and implementation services to people who want to serve others deeply and make great money while they do it.
Total of 40 employees between the two companies.
Alexis is based in Boulder, Colorado, but is location independent and travels frequently, attending and speaking at festivals and conferences, and her teams are also location-independent or “digital nomads” based mostly in the US and Canada.
What type and size of companies do you have as clients?
We serve professionals who have private, service-based practices and desire to expand beyond the one-to-one model, shift out of the hourly billable and be able to work from home or while traveling so they can experience the fullness of life and meaningful work in tandem. Our clients businesses run from solopreneurs earning $100,000 or less to small business owners with up to 5 or so employees and a few million in revenue.
What comes to mind when you think of “breaking the mold” in Business?
When I think of breaking the mold in business, I imagine a world in which people are working in alignment with who they are and how they really want to be in the world, with the freedom to live life to the fullest while making a meaningful impact with their work. Breaking the model is refusing to settle for just making money while compromising in so many other areas. It’s insisting on a full, meaningful life of pleasure and fulfillment, not just for company owners, but also for everyone who works in the company.
What are the best practices for being innovative and on the cutting edge?
Learn and apply what it means to live and work in the new economy. Integrate new economy practices, such as leveraging debt for good, focusing on creating sustainable income, rather than saving and hoarding, and building revenue streams that are location independent.
For more on this, you can read our blog: http://eyeswideopenlife.com/priceofbusiness
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