Bologna Business School


Anyone who has the intention to attend a Master’s degree, will do it in order to improve their chances in terms of employment and advancement of their career. Aside from traditional work for large corporations, the areas in which the latest graduates can be used most easily are marketing and business administration. But Why should we choose a business school and continue our bachelor’s degree or even more, why is it better than a standard university?

It is clear over the last few years that the world of business as a whole has changed, and that the financial crisis affecting markets all over the world is a fact, but what has also changed now are the terms and conditions under which people can now access the labour market. The expertise must be modernised, and this is the best timing since there is a shortfall of those figures who are capable of preparing for the new challenges, such as those of finance and cost-effectiveness maximised by the processes of globalisation.

And, the gates will not be opened for you as long as you are not aware of proper ways to operate. This is what choosing a good course in a Business School is all about. To be prepared to solve the riddles of companies in a system that has led the manager of Singapore to compete with that of Toronto, there is a need for specific common skills in the field of technology, finance and entrepreneurship.

How is it possible to gain access to today’s business world?

To figure out the best possible approach, you can start by browsing for example the BBS website, which is Bologna Business School’s website: you will become more aware of the possibilities that a business school can offer today to those who aspire to improve or increase their professional competences. These courses are relevant to today’s world of business and they focus on new corporate topics. Unless you have an up-to-date view of the business world, you risk improving your skills for a world that is no longer attractive at the present day. Building up your own career development skills is an opportunity for you to turn your career around and make a difference. The fundamentals that are part of our strategy include enhancing personal skills and promoting growth processes that over time can become slightly more diverse from the initial ones, precisely because you are trained to cleverly handle everyday problems associated with business life in a market that is constantly undergoing change and adjustment.

The MBA, or Master’s in Business Administration, for instance is the highest level of specialisation in management and administration that can be achieved after a degree has been awarded. At the end of the course of study you will receive a diploma in business administration, internationally recognised, which represents the preferred channel to access the highest managerial levels both in Italy and in the world. At Bologna Business School you can find the Global MBA program, part of the historic academic reality of Bologna, the Global MBA represents an excellent opportunity for students to plan their professional project and gain the basic requirements to access the highest levels of management.

What if I don’t have an economic background?

Business schools are real specialisation centres and are also open to those who have had a humanistic education for instance, and would like to try their hand at a business environment: in fact, there is no need to be afraid of choosing a Business School even after graduating in Literature or Philosophy, but rather, the awareness of a high “risk” of success within two years.

Why choose a business school instead of a university?

First of all, we can start from the fact that the business school represents a training course that encompasses the value and the particularities of a master’s degree, and the acquisition of skills that only an internship can give. In addition, the impression is that the faculties, especially Italian, still do not find a point of dialogue with companies while business schools, which are private, churn out talents ready to start their careers once they have finished their studies. With general three-year courses it is difficult to find a job and this is also demonstrated by the data that Almalaurea publishes every year. The latest report makes it clear that in the last seven years, three-year university graduates have seen their employment rate decrease by more than 15 percentage points and their unemployment rate increase by more than 10 points. Better and already specialised study guarantees more opportunities for growth.

Having made it clear now how a business school can add more real value to you, you can consult all the courses and choose the one that best suits you at Bologna Business School, a professional and international environment. Don’t forget that you will also find yourself in one of the most beautiful cities in Italy, where you can fully experience the culture of this welcoming, refined and cultural country!