Car Insurance Requirements in Texas


Texas is the second-largest state in the United States. It is known for its Texan BBQ and Live music shows; this is why tons of tourists around the country visit the Lone Star State every day. However, more visitors mean more cars traveling on the state’s highways and streets, thus, more accidents.

In 2015, the Texas Department of Transportation had recorded 13,616 crashes, leaving 17,011 people injured seriously. A fatal car crash is not a rare occurrence. A car crash may happen once per minute every day. Moreover, someone gets injured in a car crash around every two minutes, and this person could be you.

This data explains why Texas law requires every driver to have appropriate car insurance. While you may be thinking of buying the best car insurance in Texas, below are the car insurance requirements in the state.

Minimum insurance coverage

Drivers in Texas are required to have minimum insurance coverage of $30,000 in each injured person and $60,000 per accident. Moreover, they need at least $25,000 to cover property damage. These are referred to as 30/60/25 coverage. However, these requirements are merely minimum, and they cannot guarantee to cover all the cost of repair and recovery if you get injured in an accident.

While Texas does not require drivers to have insurance against underinsured and uninsured drivers, it is wise to include this in your policy. It will protect you if you are caught in an accident caused by a driver who is uninsured or if the driver’s insurance is not enough to cover all the damages.

Top Insurance coverage in Texas

While the state’s minimum is quite simple, getting more insurance means you have more protection in the event of an accident. It is good to understand the coverage options available beyond the state’s minimum requirements.

Depending on the insurance you have, your insurance company or the other party’s insurance company (in case you are not at fault), may also cover court fees, rental cars, and other expenses. It would help you decide what insurance to buy if you know the different types of coverage. It would also help you understand the insurance system in case you are caught in an accident.

The top insurance coverage in Texas are the following:

  • Liability coverage is all that is legally required in Texas. It covers the medical bills, lost wages in the event of serious injury, pain and suffering compensation, and funeral expenses. It also pays for property damages like repairing or replacing the damaged vehicle or pays for the rental car while it is being repaired.
  • Collision coverage is required by a lender when you finance the purchase of your new car. It pays for the car’s damages while you are still paying for it. This insurance pays for either the actual value of your car, the amount needed for the repair, or replace it or the price on the insurance declaration page (the insurance company will choose whichever is the least amount).
  • Comprehensive coverage is a little like collision coverage. However, it also covers the repairs or replacement of your car in other incidents aside from a collision, such as damage made by vandalism, hail, other non-collision events, or when someone stole your car.

There are many other types of car insurance available, so doing research is crucial before deciding which one to get. You may want to check and compare different policies for you to know the best car insurance in Texas that would suit your needs.