How to Prevent Identity Theft While Traveling


If you’re a business owner who travels frequently, there’s a good chance that fraudsters can get hold of your personal information. Everything from credit card numbers to court documents can easily be obtained using electronic means and psychological manipulation. 

Wherever you are going, you will need to be aware of such risks to your identity. Thankfully,  there are ways that can help you safeguard your personal information from prying eyes.

Bring only what you need

If you are traveling to another country for an in-person business meeting, make sure you bring the only documents you need for the appointment. That way, you have less information to expose in case you lost your luggage along the way. However, you still need to keep the documents you bring in a secure compartment or container.

Be aware of using ATMs

If you need to withdraw cash from an ATM, you will need to know if the machine you are using is safe. Check the card slot carefully and see if there’s any sign of tampering. Does it feel looser or tighter than in other ATMs? If so, then the machine could be rigged with a card skimming tool. In any case, it would be much safer if you use an ATM that is installed inside a building rather than outside. It would be less likely for anyone to rig the machine when it’s guarded indoors.

Be careful when using public Wi-Fi

Whether you are at a cafe or a public park, you should be careful when connecting to a Wi-Fi network or hotspot. Your phone or laptop will warn you that you could be sharing sensitive data with other users in the network. If you really need to go online, consider activating a VPN or turning the sharing option off. It would be best to avoid logging into your work emails and bank accounts while you are out in the open.

Keep your belongings in a safe place

If you think your luggage is safe inside your hotel room, there’s always the risk of someone gaining access to your room, rummaging through your files, and getting away with identity theft. Unless the hotel offers secure storage for high-value items, you can always look for an insured luggage storage service like Bounce that charges you a flat rate per day. This gives you a more secure alternative to leaving your valuables at the hotel.

Track your credit card usage

There are situations when you can’t prevent someone else from scanning your credit card and using your information to make unauthorized purchases. The best way to protect yourself from this scenario is to contact your bank and let them know where you are going. You should also turn on mobile alerts so you can act immediately if you notice any purchases you haven’t made during your trip.

If you are planning to go on a business trip this year, you will need to safeguard your identity by using these tips so you can come home with fewer hassles.