Resume Trends You Can Use in 2021



Now, more people are in the job market than ever. Consequently, you need to stand out. If you don’t, people will overlook you. Therefore, the following tips should serve as inspiration. Within them, you’ll find a ton of great concepts you can use on your next resume.


On the one hand, using your own ideas is not a bad thing. However, using other ideas as a source of inspiration can be massively beneficial. As with all things, practice leads to improvement. If your first draft is disappointing, learn from it. Then, try again.

Top Resume Trends for This Year

Are you ready to write a ferocious resume? If so, then the following design trends will be captivating. When you struggle to find inspiration, just refer to them. By the time your first draft is done, the mesmerizing results will astound you.


In the world of resumes, there are few hard rules. As a result, we see a lot of questionable experimentation. Displaying some personal creativity can be impactful. Nevertheless, ensure your aesthetic selections don’t detract from your message.

Revising Your Resume to be Field Specific

Specialization is the unavoidable trendline in the job industry. As more people get degrees, the incentive for further specializations only increases. Sometimes, depending on the industry, you must be precise. On your resume, ensure that industry-specific qualifications are easily noticed. Otherwise, your recruiters may overlook an inconspicuous detail. In some instances, that would lose the interview for you. To avoid this glaring oversight, commit to a final revision before submitting anything. By doing this, you’ll catch costly mistakes.

Linking Your Professional Social Networking Accounts

The internet has created an increasingly-connected world. Today, we can look at the history of someone’s life through their social media accounts. In some cases, you might want to avoid that. Who remembers uploading something embarrassing in high school? Nevertheless, resist discounting the potential benefits of social media. As a professional, some social media platforms cater to your demographic. Instead of sharing memes, your network professionally. If you want the best opportunities, include your professional social network accounts. Consider this a requirement. You may not get the interview right now. Still, a few months later, you might get a message from the recruiter. Sure, it might be a different opportunity. However, chances are it is even better than the first.

Quantifying Your Achievements

When we write about ourselves, our perspective contains a hidden advantage. Unless you have a short-term memory condition, we remember the details. Ultimately, many of us forget that others do not. As a result, we put down our most precocious achievements in vague statements. Not only is this uninspiring, but it also looks rather unprofessional. Never put something on your resume without having data to support it. For example, say that team sales increased by 25% under my leadership. Plenty of people would phrase it differently. However, using specific numbers is highly impactful.

Enhanced Algorithmic Search

Often, corporations use computers to sift through the initial round of applicants. Thus, your resume builder needs to stand out to them as well. If you are relying on a human to see it, you may not have any luck. When algorithms search for applicants, they scan for keywords. Therefore, by knowing these, you can up your odds. Do not oversaturate your resume with them. Now, algorithms can sort through these as well. Nevertheless, forgetting to include them is a fatal mistake. Most of the time, you will be sent straight to the bottom of the list.


Formatting Your Resume

Learning how to properly format a resume takes time. On the other hand, we understand you are short on time. In that case, use a tool to help you. For instance a good cv builder makes everything incredibly easy. You can see the end product as you make changes. Adeptly designing the resume styles creates a more significant difference than you think. Consider this for a moment. Before someone reads a resume, they see it. It would be impossible for an immaculate presentation not to impact things. Would you rather read something written by a professional or an amateur?

Minimalist Vocabulary

Fluffy words should be left for your novel. In a resume, each word matters. If you can say the same thing with fewer words, then do so. Otherwise, you waste valuable space. The most compelling resumes never include things needlessly. If you read through them, each additional word adds important value. Now, you should not make your resume so simple a child can read it. Excessive wordiness is your prime enemy. One of the easiest ways to find it is by reading your draft out loud. Typically, we can hear if something is amiss quicker than we can see it.

Core Competencies

What would you say the purpose of a resume is? To us, it shows potential employers that you possess the necessary skills for a job. As long as you convey that message, you have an effective resume. Anything else is unneeded. With that in mind, you should consider what items to include. In some instances, you may not need to list all of your credentials. When something is irrelevant, leave it out. Including it will only fill up space on the page. It would be better to have some extra space left on the page. Listing your core competencies should always be a priority. These skill sets are universally applicable. If you can use the skill for the position, it would be best to throw it on the page.

Creating the Best First Impression With Your Resume

Recruiters spend most of their working lives reading resumes. Then, they conduct a panel of interviews. At the end of the process, they select a candidate. We can draw several clear analogies to our romantic lives. The most striking commonality is evident. Often, our first impression determines how far things will go. If you want to get better results, improve your presentations. As highly visual creatures, humans cannot help but appreciate a good appearance.