When running any form of e-commerce business, your image matters. The marketing strategy you use will dictate how easily you’re able to meet your goals. An exceptional marketing drive can turn a start-up into an industry giant. A poor one can lead a promising idea to ruin. Whether you’re in your initial period or you’ve been trading for several years, there’s always room for improvement. Online marketing is one of the fastest-changing facets of modern business. If you want yours to be keep up, you need to make sure you’re using the most effective marketing techniques out there. Here’s some good advice for doing this.
Source: Pixabay
The first piece of advice I’ll offer is to focus on conversion rather than traffic. Your ecommerce site could get thousands of visitors in a day. However, if they aren’t making any purchases, it’ll all be for nothing. You need to make sure you keep a healthy conversion rate, simply to keep your business from going under. To put it simply, the higher your conversion rate, the more money you’ll make! Let’s use a scenario to illustrate this. For every 100 visitors to your site, one buys a product. If that one buyer spends an average of £30, then you’ll be making around £300 per 1,000 visitors. If you can bring that one in a hundred users up to two in a hundred, you’ll be getting £600 for every 1,000 visitors. Through conversion, you’ll be able to double your revenue, without wasting resources on traffic. Making your business visible enough to bring in traffic is essential, true. However, with too much emphasis on traffic and not enough on conversion, your company won’t be moving anywhere fast.
The next thing I’ll suggest is outsourcing at least some of your SEO. Back when SEO was a completely new science, various free techniques were all you really needed. Times have changed as lot since then. As you’re probably aware, this vein of marketing is becoming a massive industry in itself. It’s also changing so fast that even professionals in this niche are finding it hard to keep up with search algorithms. Having a few free SEO measures in place can help. However, if you lean on them completely, you’ll end up screwing yourself out of a lot of business. When you outsource to a good SEO firm, you’ll be putting a large chunk of your online marketing in the hands of true professionals. Navigating the complexities of SEO is what these guys do for a living. They’ll be able to use that expertise to take a lot of the weight off your marketing department. You may have some pretty good marketing guys in your offices. However, if they’re not specialised in SEO, it’s best to outsource some of the work. Like anything, there’s a right way and a wrong way to outsource this part of marketing. Here’s where you can learn how to outsource your SEO to another company.
Source: Pixabay
My third tip: blog with a passion. What’s the most fundamental function of an ecommerce business? To sell a product. Whether it’s shoes or gadgets or power tools, you need to show that you not only know your business, but have a passion for it. This is something a large amount of ecommerce blogs fail to do. Posting on a blog regularly is important, true. However, with this emphasis on keeping the pace, a lot of business owners let their blog feed become a tedious, repetitive stream of dry posts. Your blog shouldn’t just be a tool for bringing in traffic. It should also serve a function in making hard sales. Otherwise, it’s just wasted energy! Have a look at your blog’s content, and think of ways you can spice it up. Every time you begin drafting a new post, put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Ask yourself if you’d find the post helpful, interesting or just entertaining. If it doesn’t fit into any of these, scrap the idea and try again. It’s not the most measurable or stable of marketing methods, true. Still, if you optimise your blog properly, it will have a direct, visible impact on your sales figures. Here, you can find some great resources to learn better blogging practices.
Finally, treat your customer service just like any other part of your marketing. You need to answer customer queries and deal with complaints as part of normal operation. Why not maximise your efficiency by turning all this into another part of your marketing strategy? The way you and your staff interact with your target market could be your company’s biggest strength or its most damaging weakness. When a customer has a great experience with you, they’ll be happy, and want to tell others about how great you were. In 2016, with such a huge emphasis on digital marketing, business owners often forget how powerful word of mouth can be. In fact, with the rising popularity of social media, it’s even more of an important thing to consider. You probably know from personal experience that bad news travels faster than good news. Because of this, you should come down hard on any instances of poor customer service at your firm. If someone or something makes your customers angry, then they’ll be pretty inclined to rant about it on one of their social networks. If and when this happens, you better hope it’s not funny enough to share! Bring a renewed emphasis on good customer service to your company, and you’ll certainly see the effects.
Take these four points with you, and your marketing drive will become more effective than ever. There are many other techniques which could have positive effects on your business. However, these can be applied to nearly any ecommerce model, giving you better conversion rates and a better brand image. I’ll leave you with one last piece of advice; check the date on this post! As I mentioned before, modern marketing is always evolving. Once you’ve optimised it, make sure you keep on top of emerging trends in the future.