When Terrorism Strikes: Shooting Back and Winning!



It seems that Americans are arming and many are getting training in the use of their handguns and going through licensing in their prospective states where required.

Many experts have advised that in an active shooter situation, people should run, hide and then fight.  So, what happens when you have done the first two and now have to fight with a gun?

Sgt Damon Ing teaches the License to Carry Class in Texas and is developing basic, intermediate and advanced training for students who want to learn more.

To review a complete list of upcoming training, please visit: http://license-to-carry-with-sgt-damon-ing.launchrock.com/ (get the free e-book “Force on Force Gunfighting Training” at this link)

Sgt Damong Ing was recently featured on “The Amazing Doc Greene Show”:

The “When Terrorism Strikes: Shooting Back and Winning!” Class will be held in Fort Worth, Texas at the Winchester Shooting Gallery, 10/25/16 from 6PM to 8PM. This class normally costs $199, but is being offered as a community service at a reduced rate of $20, sponsored in part by SelfDefenseFund.com

On ThunderClap: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/47865-handgun-training-and-licensing

On HeadTalker: https://headtalker.com/campaigns/license-to-carry-texas/


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