Price of Business and Media Partners Does Series on Spree Killing


The Price of Business and Media Partners Does Series on Spree Killing

Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business, is concerned about the problem of spree killings, that have become common headlines lately.  “I believe it is everyone’s business to address how to protect our neighbors and friends, and to make schools safe.”  In particular, he is frustrated with how the media keeps looking at the source of weapon, rather than why guns are being picked up.  In a series of recent interviews, Price has discussed this issue with several authorities in this area, including Dr. Linda Lagemenn and a killology expert, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman (US Army, Ret.). You will find other sources as well in our articles.  Below are some of the content you can find on this critical topic.

Promoting Gun Control After Tragedies Leads to More Arms Being Sold

The Latest Gun Debate Insults Victims and Empowers Murderers

Using Tragedy to Promote Gun Control

If There is an AR-15 Ban, Expect a Massive Influx of Illegal AK-47s