Tag: data
Protecting Your Business In 3 Easy Steps
Bringing a business vision to life is a rewarding experience. After finding a gap in the market for a service or product, you begin...
How To Keep Your Business Protected in a Competitive Market
Some markets are more competitive and aggressive than others and require a more careful approach if you want to survive in the long term....
5 Ways Technology Is Transforming Drug Research in 2022
Most people often imagine futuristic AI computers and robot surgeons when they think of new medical advances. However, less-explored approaches to drug discovery and...
The Risks of Not Analyzing Data
Analyzing data has become one of the most important practices for big businesses out there. The practice has become more essential to organizations by...
The Cost of Data Breaches to Business Owners
Technology plays a key role in modern businesses by helping them run efficiently and offer their customers quality services. Potential customers use technology to...
How to Keep Data Secure
Data leaks, Identity fraud, and security breaches are incredibly common in our ever-increasing digital society. Network security is paramount when it comes to keeping...
Being the Most Efficient Freelancer You Can Be
2020 has been a difficult year. The unprecedented coronavirus crisis has meant that many of our working lives have completely changed. At the start...
4 Proven Steps To Building A Sustainable Business
Indeed, business ownership is not for the faint-hearted. Running a business may not exactly be rocket science, but it still is a tough and...
How To Tell If Your Business Is About To Spring A...
Data leaks kill businesses, and not only the small or medium-sized companies. Some of the biggest breaches of the 21st-century have happened to huge...
5 Careers that can Make You Money in Any Sector
Whether someone is considering a change in career or a student that wants to map out their career path, here are five careers that...
Data Protection Tips For A Growing Business
As we conduct increasing amounts of our business online, effective data protection is so important. In recent years, we have seen major data breaches...
Do You Manage Your Data? Or Does Your Data Manage You?
Data is becoming increasingly crucial for business. Companies use it for everything, from product development to marketing. It is the lifeblood of many sophisticated...
5 Critical Ways the Future of Cybersecurity Will Affect Your Business
The Internet is always watching. No matter whether its an employer checking up on your latest Facebook rant or a hacker waiting in the...
3 Ways You Should Be Using Data to Make Your Business...
The advent of the internet has made data more accurate and accessible than ever before. Despite this, few businesses are utilizing the wealth of...
Business Best Practices That Prevent Data Leaks
Leaks are more than potentially embarrassing - they’re powerful enough to bring an organization to its knees. Once you prove that you aren’t trustworthy...
How to Use Professional Credit Repair Software
The use of credit repair softwares has been getting popular nowadays for people who want a faster and more accurate way of fixing their...
The Importance of Tech for Your Small Business
Technology is taking on an increasing presence in everyday life. We use it to socialise, we use it shop, we use it for entertainment,...
Why You Should Look At Business Security
Now more than ever, our businesses are vulnerable to cyber attacks and people hacking into our business accounts and emails and this can be...
How Secure Is Your Company’s Sensitive Data?
Every company possesses data that they don’t want to fall into the wrong hands. This could include bank details, bills and invoices, medical information,...
The Importance of Preparing Your Company’s IT for Hurricane Season
The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to worsen by the end of the October. Are your business’s data and networks safely prepared if...
Tips for Success: How a Small FMCG Company Can Make It...
Over the years, the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry has undergone a quick and considerable evolution. For one, platforms like Amazon have become so...
How to Handle a Ransomware Situation at Your Company
Let’s say your company has been infected with ransomware.
Your systems are down, you can’t access your data, and you’ve received an email notifying you...
Easy Tips to Help you with a Good Credit Score
Having a good credit score is critical to secure low-interest rate loans. However, if your credit rating is suffering, you need to fix it...
Your Business Isn’t The Only Thing That’s Vulnerable To Cyber Crime!
Entrepreneurs are canny folk and aware of every threat posed to their business. They are keen to preempt and quash any threat to their...
Keeping Business Costs Down With Big Data
Do you want your business to maintain a competitive edge in your industry? Well, big data analytics is one of the tested and proven...
Blockchain 2019
2018 wasn’t a particularly great year for Blockchain but it's still being tipped as a technology that – when applied correctly has massive potential...
Data Protection Expert on Cybersecurity Research, Mobile App Data Privacy, and...
Recently Kevin Price, host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show interviewed show contributor, Tom...
4 Facts About the Vulnerability Management Policy
Vulnerability management is becoming a crucial aspect of the operations of most organizations. That’s because internet security risks have become more complex. As such,...
Understanding Data Ingestion and Its Importance in Today’s Market
In today’s modern world technology is the beginning and the end, as well as everything in between for every enterprise in the market. From...
What is Power BI?
In today’s competitive marketplace, data is very important for any organization, and it is more important than ever to “know your numbers.” If data...
12 Interesting Tech Facts You Want To Know!
If you don’t already realise how technology is going to rock the socks off your business, you’re doomed. Well, maybe nothing quite as dramatic...
5 Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing a Contract Management...
Effective contract management has a crucial role in the development of various aspects of a business. It helps in developing better communication skills, workplace...
3 Ways to Use Surveys for Improving Your Business in 2019
How To Lower Your IT Infrastructure Costs With Data Centers
IT infrastructure cost are quickly rising out of control for many companies. As computers and digital services have become central to most businesses, the...
New Research Highlights Key Requirements For Successful Channel Programs
The Channel Institute, a training and certification body for channel business professionals, is today publishing the results of research conducted with more than 200...
Big Data Helping Small Business
In 2001, Artificial Intelligence was just a movie, the context we thought would have remained pure science fiction for decades to come. It was...
Tips On Choosing Trading Software
As a trader, there are a number of different things you are going to need in order to be a success. This includes the...
The Use of the Software is Indispensable for all Geomodelling needs
Geomodelling solves a series of problems that mining companies, oil and natural gas companies and even construction companies face from time to time. Geologic...
Incident Response and Protecting Your Company’s Data
Cybersecurity is based on five pillars: preparation/identification, protection, detection, problem solving, and recovery. Malicious programs may delete, modify or block access to your data,...
Becoming an Essential Business That Everyone Relies On
Of all the business opportunities that are open to you, arguably one of the best ways to start a business that everyone can connect...
7 Crucial Entrepreneurial Skills You Acquire through Proper Business Development Training
A business needs to have a steady pipeline of leads for consistent revenue. It is also crucial for a company to increase the scope...
Why Should You Consider Having a Data Recovery Solution for Your...
Have you ever faced a security threat to your servers or systems? As a business leader, you must have heard horror stories about massive...
Everything You Need to Know About CRM
Today, businesses have evolved on a larger scale and it is become daunting to handle a lot of customers as businesses have gone global....
How Big Data Can Drive Sales Excellence
Big Data is revolutionizing modern business. Access to more information provides both companies and individual managers with the means to make more informed decisions...